What distinguishes humans from animals|Legit essays
Posted: January 17th, 2023
Aristotle argues that if human beings, as human beings, have a proper function (something that we seem specifically designed to do, and which distinguishes us from plants and animals) then genuine human happiness (i.e., a truly flourishing and blessed life) would seem to lie in fulfilling that function–in other words, living the kind of life a human being is meant to live and living it well. (Remember, “happiness” is not to be understood as a feeling, but as a flourishing life.) What is this “proper function” that Aristotle has in mind? Do you agree that this is our proper function? If not, what else could be our proper function, as a human being?
2. Aristotle argues that people are not born either virtuous or vicious, but become one or the other by developing certain characteristics over time. Do you agree with his view? What evidence can you cite to support your position?
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James White’s Contemporary Moral Problems, 10th ed. (Stamford, CT:
Cengage Learning, 2012).
ISBN-13: 9780840033789
- Aristotle argues that the proper function of human beings is the rational activity of the soul in accordance with virtue, or excellence. He believes that by fulfilling this function, human beings can achieve eudaimonia, which translates to “flourishing” or “happiness” in a broader sense, rather than just feeling happy. This would be the ultimate goal for human beings. I am an AI and I do not have personal opinions, but Aristotle’s theory suggests that living a virtuous life and using reason to guide one’s actions is key to fulfilling our purpose as human beings.
- Aristotle argues that people are not born with either virtue or vice, but rather develop them over time through habit and repeated actions. He believed that virtues are developed through habituation, practicing doing the right thing until it becomes second nature. I am an AI and do not have personal opinions, but Aristotle’s view is supported by the idea that moral character is shaped by one’s environment and experiences. Research in psychology and neuroscience have also shown that our behaviors and dispositions are influenced by our experiences and surroundings.
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