business management and strategy|Course hero helper

Posted: January 19th, 2023

After discussing business management and strategy, we need to discuss the importance of these topics for an HR manager.

  1. Ask an HR manager or a manager of an organization how the strategic plan contributed to his/her position.
  2. Post his/her answer, identifying if it is from an HR manager or a manager.
  3. Identify the importance of having a strategic plan available for that manager.

Between 250-400 words

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business management and strategy|Course hero helper
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Business management refers to the process of overseeing and directing a company or organization. This includes tasks such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the various resources of the organization.

Business strategy refers to the overall plan of action for achieving specific business goals and objectives. This may include identifying target markets, developing products and services, and determining how resources will be allocated to best achieve these goals. It is the process of making key decisions that will shape the future of the business.

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