Posted: January 23rd, 2023
In reviewing this module’s question, incorporate your understanding of economic development. Also consider any experiences and what you have observed in your community. Select an economic development project in your community.
The project must have been implemented and/or completed within the past 10 years. Provide background about the project and the intended economic benefits. In presenting your overview of the project, compare the project’s development process to the economic planning challenges outlined in Leigh and Blakely text, Chapter 1 -4. To what degree did the community economic development project experience the transition in local planning?
Also, based upon your understanding of Chapter 1 – 2 of the McDonald text, outline the causal theory that under-girds your jurisdiction’s development project. What has been identified as enhancing prospects for community sustainability? Describe in detail the configuration of public, private, and not-for-profit sector linkages that proved instrumental in making your community’s project a reality?
The public sector is made up of organizations that are owned and operated by the government, and exist to provide goods and services to the general public. Examples of organizations in the public sector include public schools, police departments, and the military.
The private sector is made up of organizations that are owned and operated by private individuals or companies, and exist primarily to make a profit. Examples of organizations in the private sector include retail stores, restaurants, and manufacturing companies.
The not-for-profit sector is made up of organizations that do not exist primarily to make a profit, but rather to serve a specific social or philanthropic cause. Examples of organizations in the not-for-profit sector include charities, religious institutions, and advocacy groups.
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