Prepare a SWOT analysis to guide your decision to build and operate the center|Legit essays

Posted: January 25th, 2023

This assignment has two parts. It contains a paper and power point presentation. you MUST follow the rubric and complete the requirements of the rubric. See word doc for instructions. BE SURE TO ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. IT IS BEST TO BOLD THE QUESTION SO IT IS EASILY IDENTIFIED IN YOUR PAPER

Week Four:. Signature Assignment Case Study

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“Decisions, Decisions” .

Suppose University Memorial Hospital is deciding whether or not to build and operate its own day-care center. As you write your Signature Assignment paper, please  consider the following:



PAPER INCLUDES: Executive Summery, Introduction, content, answer all the question below, conclusion, APA Format.

1. Who are the possible stakeholders and what would their respective expectations be of the new center?

2. What data would/could you gather and how would you gather it to support or contradict your decision. Using a strategic planning process, describe the steps in the process that would best support this project.

3. Prepare a SWOT analysis to guide your decision to build and operate the center, or not.

4. What teams would need to be formed and what might the roles be?

5. What positions would need to be in place?6.

6. How would the manager of the Day Care Center control and motivate associates so they can reach the highest level of performance

7. What would be the determinants of success?

8. What should be done to create a successful culture? (Motivation theories, leadership behaviors, etc.)

9. What should the communication plan look like?

10. What decision making process would you utilize to check your decision to build and operate the Day Care Center or not.

· Your written assignment must be formatted in APA using a cover letter, page numbers, running head, and reference page. Sources must be cited in text per APA guidelines.

· No errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure or writing mechanics should be evident.

· A minimum of three references are required.

· Required word count is 1250-1750.


Health Organization Management



Welcome to the Week Four lecture for HCA 620 Health Organization Management.







Week Four




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This week we will start with Motivation. Click on the continue button to begin.




Motivation Theories


Motivation is the “set of forces that leads people to behave in particular ways.”


Copyright © 2019 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.


Motivation is the “set of forces that leads people to behave in particular ways.” Reading this definition carefully, we realize that motivation is not the act of doing something; it is the forces that lead people to do something. When managers motivate employees, they apply forces to create workers’ desire and willingness to behave a certain way. However, managers must realize that motivation is not enough to ensure a worker actually behaves as desired. For example, Matt may be motivated to shampoo the waiting room carpet at a medical group practice in Albany. But if the carpet-cleaning equipment is broken, Matt will be unable to do that task despite his motivation. The same would happen if his boss reassigned him to some other task that was more urgent.




Motivation Theories


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory (based on physiological survival, safety and security, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization).

Herzberg’s two-factor theory (based on hygiene factors and motivators).

Vroom’s expectancy theory (based on effort, performance, outcome).

Skinner’s reinforcement theory (based on rewards and punishments).


Copyright © 2019 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.


This chapter examines motivation theories (sometimes referred to as motivation approaches or motivation perspectives).


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory (based on physiological survival, safety and security, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization).

Herzberg’s two-factor theory (based on hygiene factors and motivators).

Vroom’s expectancy theory (based on effort, performance, outcome).

Skinner’s reinforcement theory (based on rewards and punishments).


Use of human needs theories is challenging because workers belong to four or even five generations that have different values, motivators, interests, and feelings about work. So which of these theories or approaches should a leader use? Like many other aspects of management, it depends. We know that in HCOs today, workers are very diverse regarding their generations, ethnicities, and other characteristics. These differences cause differences in values, preferences about work, and motivators. For example, the American culture values achievement, and Eastern cultures value harmony. Further, a person’s motivators may change over time. When Adrianna graduates from college with loans to repay, she will be motivated by money. After she repays her loans, she may be more motivated by opportunities for professional growth. When it comes to motivation, one size does not fit all.




Motivation Theories


So as a manager, what should you do?


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So as a manager, what should you do? First, assess the situation and people. Second, choose appropriate motivation methods to fit the situation and people. Figure out what brings pleasure to each of your employees. If you can provide that through their work, it may help motivate them to work. If an employee gains pleasure from being with other people and forming friendships, then be sure the job provides opportunities for social interaction. Think about this advice as you study each motivation theory.




Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

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Abraham Maslow theorized in the 1950s that human motivation comes from five basic human needs that have a hierarchical order—from the lowest, most basic need for physiological survival to the highest need for self-fulfillment. He thought people had to fulfill their lowest unsatisfied need before they would be motivated by higher needs. Thus, they would have to fulfill their physiological survival need before the safety need would motivate them. View the diagram for a better understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Examples

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View the table for a better understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Examples.


Copyright © 2019 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory

To motivate workers, first reduce dissatisfaction, then increase satisfaction

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are mostly caused by different factors… though some factors can affect both

Satisfaction associated with intrinsic motivator factors Dissatisfaction associated with extrinsic hygiene factors
Achievement Company policies
Growth Pay
Recognition Supervision
Responsibility Working conditions



In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Frederick Herzberg studied workers and concluded that they are motivated by things that increase feelings of satisfaction. Herzberg’s research led him to conclude that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are caused by different factors. One group of factors, which he labeled hygiene, is associated with dissatisfaction. Hygiene (maintenance) factors are extrinsic—external to the work itself—and would generally fit with Maslow’s three lower needs. Hygiene factors include company policies, pay, supervision, coworkers, and other work conditions. If these are adequate, they prevent workers from feeling dissatisfied. If workers are dissatisfied, improving the hygiene factors reduces their dissatisfaction. Herzberg argued that better hygiene factors would make workers feel less dissatisfied but would not make them feel more satisfied.


So what would satisfy workers? A second group of factors, which Herzberg labeled motivators, come from the work itself and include achievement, growth, recognition, challenge, autonomy, and responsibility. Herzberg believed motivators are intrinsic—internal to the work—and arise from the content of the work itself and how it makes a worker feel. Motivators could be viewed as equivalent to Maslow’s two higher needs. For example, feeling achievement and fulfillment after completing a new, challenging project comes from the work itself. Herzberg argued that workers are motivated to do work that includes more motivators, which would enable the workers to realize more satisfaction. These motivators would not reduce or affect dissatisfaction, however.



Copyright © 2019 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory

Managers should ensure adequate pay, supervision, policies, and coworker relationships and provide safe, secure jobs and working conditions. Limitations arise when culturally diverse workers grow up with different feelings about hygiene factors (e.g., following rules, interacting with supervisors, accepting a job’s working conditions) and about motivators (e.g., desire for achievement, challenge, autonomy).



Herzberg advised managers to first use hygiene factors to reduce workers’ dissatisfaction. Managers should ensure adequate pay, supervision, policies, and coworker relationships and provide safe, secure jobs and working conditions. When workers do not feel dissatisfied, managers should then design jobs and work to enable workers to experience motivators and satisfaction. Managers should organize their employees’ work for achievement, recognition, autonomy, responsibility, fulfillment, growth, and respect.


This two-factor theory became popular, but it has weaknesses. For example, some hygiene factors can affect both dissatisfaction and satisfaction. Sometimes both hygiene and motivator factors can motivate workers to higher levels of performance. Workers may perform better because a hygiene factor (e.g., a big pay raise) also provides a form of recognition and thus is a motivator. Limitations arise when culturally diverse workers grow up with different feelings about hygiene factors (e.g., following rules, interacting with supervisors, accepting a job’s working conditions) and about motivators (e.g., desire for achievement, challenge, autonomy). Research findings are mixed and seem to depend on other factors, such as an employee’s organization level and age.


Copyright © 2019 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Not for sale.

Herzberg’s Two Fa


This can include things like providing rewards for good performance, creating a positive work environment, and clearly communicating expectations and goals. The goal of motivation is to increase productivity and job satisfaction among employees. There are various theories of motivation, such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which suggests that people are motivated by different needs at different times.



SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business or project. Here is a sample SWOT analysis for a decision to build and operate a center:


  • Strong demand for the services offered by the center
  • Experienced management team with relevant industry experience
  • Strong partnerships and collaborations with key stakeholders
  • Unique and innovative services that differentiate the center from competitors


  • Limited financial resources and high startup costs
  • Limited brand recognition and reputation
  • Lack of experienced staff in certain areas
  • Dependence on a small number of key customers


  • Growing market for the services offered by the center
  • Potential to expand services and offerings
  • Potential to partner with other organizations to increase reach and impact
  • Potential to leverage technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness


  • Intense competition from established players
  • Economic downturns that could decrease demand for the services offered
  • Changes in regulations or policies that could affect the business
  • Dependence on a small number of key suppliers

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