Posted: January 29th, 2023
Designing an Ethernet Network
Use the template to complete and upload your work.
The Ethernet (802.3) is the most common and popular standard for Switched Local Area Networks (LANs). An Ethernet network is made of hosts, switches, and transmission links. Designing, explaining, and evaluating the design of Ethernet networks are marketable skills for a manager of data networks.
· In this assignment, you will design an Ethernet network to meet a given set of specifications of the distance between hosts and the transmission speed of links.
· You will design an Ethernet network to connect a single client PC to a single server.
· You will then explain your design work, evaluate your design, and reflect on this learning experience.
· Both the client and the server will connect to their workgroup switches via UTP.
· The two devices are 900 meters apart. They need to communicate at 800 Mbps.
· Your design will specify the locations of any switches and the transmission link between the switches.
Use the Assignment Template to submit the following:
1. Create and screenshot a visual for your design of an Ethernet network that connects a single client PC to a single server and labels the locations of switches and transmission links.
· Write at least 1 page on each of the following for a 2–3-page summary:
2. Provide a rationale for each part of your design, explaining the problem, approach, and why you made the choices you made.
3. Reflect on the design process by indicating lessons learned, and how this experience would apply to a real-world setting.
Submission Template for – Designing an Ethernet Network
Name: Date: Course:
Insert here the visual for your design of an Ethernet network that connects a single client PC to a single server and label the locations of switches and transmission links.
Write at least 1 page on each of the following for a 2–3-page summary:
· Provide a rationale for each part of your design, explaining the problem, approach, and why you made the choices you made.
· Reflect on the design process indicating lessons learned, and how this experience would apply to a real-world setting.
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Here are some steps to design an Ethernet network:
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