security risk|Course hero helper
Posted: January 31st, 2023
Write a 6 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)
- What are the principal elements of public-key cryptosystems?
- What are two different uses of public-key cryptosystems?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of public-key cryptosystems?
make 5 page power point presentation about the above paper
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Use APA format to provide a citation for each article you read
Principal elements of public-key cryptosystems:
- Public Key
- Private Key
- Encryption Algorithm
- Decryption Algorithm.
Two uses of public-key cryptosystems:
- Confidentiality (encrypting data to keep it private)
- Authentication (digital signatures to verify identity).
Strengths of public-key cryptosystems:
- Asymmetric keys provide enhanced security
- Ability to securely transmit information without prior shared secrets.
- Digital signatures enable non-repudiation and data integrity.
Weaknesses of public-key cryptosystems:
- Computationally intensive operations
- Vulnerability to key compromise or theft
- Potential for implementation weaknesses in software or hardware.
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