Ethics and Legal Ramifications |My homework helper

Posted: February 1st, 2023

Ethics and Legal Ramifications

We know that many ethical dilemmas may also carry legal ramifications, especially those environments that serve the public such as education. Identify a possible ethical dilemma that you might face in your educational field of study. Create a presentation that outlines and discusses the ethical dilemma and the possible legal ramifications.  Your presentation should include.


1. A title slide.

2. A description of the ethical dilemma

3. At least 2 solutions to the dilemma

4. The possible legal ramifications of each solution

5. What choice would you make?

6. Your justification for your choice

7. A reference slides.

8. 6-8 slides not including the title or reference slide.

Reference: Byars, S. & Stanberry, K (2018)  Business Ethics. OpenStax. ISBN-10: 1-947172- 57-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-947172-57-9 (This applies to #’s 1-3)

1. Why Ethics Matter:  Chapter 1 from  Business Ethics. In section 1.2 substitute the words student success for profitability. I downloaded the pdf to make it easier to highlight and navigate.

2. More Telecommuting or Less?: This is one section from Chapter 10 of  Business Ethics so the same reference applies.

3. What employees owe employers: This is Chapter 7 from  Business Ethics.

4. Ethics Vs Values is a weblink so cite accordingly.

5. The Law and Decision Making is a blog posted by Dr. Steven Mintz, aka Ethics Sage, on December 8, 2015.




One ethical dilemma in education is student privacy and confidentiality. As a teacher or education professional, you may have access to sensitive information about students such as their grades, behavioral issues, and personal information. This information must be protected and kept confidential, but there may be situations where it is necessary to share it with other professionals in order to ensure the well-being and safety of the student.

Legal ramifications:

  1. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of students’ education records and sets guidelines for sharing information. Any unauthorized release of information could result in legal penalties for the educator or educational institution.
  2. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) applies to any health-related information and has similar restrictions on the release of information.
  3. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect could result in legal consequences, as mandated reporters are required to report any suspected abuse or neglect to the proper authorities.

Ethical considerations:

  1. Balancing the need to protect student privacy with the need to ensure their well-being and safety.
  2. Determining when it is appropriate to share information and with whom.
  3. Ensuring that any information shared is relevant and necessary for the situation at hand.
  4. Respecting students’ rights to privacy and maintaining their trust in the educational system.

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