Plasma membrane|Legit essays
Posted: February 12th, 2023
- Draw an anatomical human cell. Include these structures:
- Cytoplasm
- Cytoskeleton
- Golgi apparatus
- Lysosome
- Mitochondria
- Nucleus
- Plasma membrane
- Ribosomes
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Draw a human body in anatomical position and label these directional terms:
- Distal
- Inferior
- Lateral
- Medial
- Proximal
- Superior
- Draw a human body and label these body cavities:
- Abdominal cavity
- Abdominopelvic cavity
- Cranial cavity
- Dorsal cavity
- Pelvic cavity
- Thoracic cavity
- Ventral cavity
- Vertebral cavity
- Draw an image/diagram of a positive or negative feedback loop. Some examples you can choose from include body temperature regulation, blood sugar regulation, blood pressure, blood clotting, or the process of labor and childbirth. Be sure to include these items in your diagram as they relate to your chosen feedback loop example:
- Effector
- Sensor
- Control center
Submission Requirement:
- Drawings must be completed by hand, traditionally or digitally.
- Start the drawing from a blank piece of paper or new file. Do not use an outline, such as a coloring book page.
- Artistic ability will not be graded.
- The information must be accurate, and organs/structures must relate to each other appropriately.
- Labels must be legible and spelled correctly.
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The plasma membrane, also known as the cell membrane or cytoplasmic membrane, is a thin layer that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell and acts as a barrier, separating the internal environment of the cell from the outside world. It is composed of a lipid bilayer, made up of two layers of phospholipid molecules, with their hydrophobic (water-fearing) tails facing inward and their hydrophilic (water-loving) heads facing outward. This structure helps maintain the integrity of the cell and regulate the exchange of materials between the cell and its surroundings.
The plasma membrane is also studded with a variety of proteins, including channels, pumps, and transporters, which help regulate the movement of ions, molecules, and other substances in and out of the cell. The plasma membrane is a vital part of the cell, playing crucial roles in many cellular processes, including maintaining cell shape and providing structural support, signaling between cells, and regulating the flow of materials in and out of the cell.
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