Effective Communication and Collaboration Project|Quick homework help

Posted: February 14th, 2023

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Effective Communication and Collaboration Project Part 1 (Step 1)

Co-teaching can be beneficial for teachers and students. Co-teaching can help lessen eh

teaching load of one teacher. According to Knackendoffel, Dettmer, & Thurston (2018), “Co-

teaching is an instructional delivery model used to teach students with disabilities in the least

restrictive integrated classroom settings where general and special educators collaboratively plan

and deliver instruction for all students.” (p.225) Special Education teachers can be beneficial in a

class that has students with IEPs and requires special instruction.

This lesson plan is catered to first grades. The lesson will be on ELA. There are 2

students in the class who are on IEPs. The students on IEPs are both for specializes ELA

instruction. The students are both Pre-School level in ELA. Most of the class are on level when it

comes to ELA. There are also a few students who are below level.

General Education Teacher: Will lead the lesson. Will read the story to the class. Will work with

the students in the class for assessment and small group instruction.

Special Education Teacher: Will help with asking question during the story. Will observe the

class while the general education teacher is reading. Will lead a small group instruction for

students who struggle in ELA. Special education teacher will also be administering assessment to

the student in the small group.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Area: ELA

Lesson Focus: The 3 Little Pigs

Materials Needed: Pencils, coloring utensils, and worksheet

Structure/Activity: The reading of the story, The 3 Little Pigs. For this lesson we will be

reading the story and then going over the beginning, middle, and ending of a story.

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Student will gather on carpet area. The story will be read to the students. While reading the story

the special education teacher will be asking questions about the book. At the ending of the story

the students will be split into groups. The next part of the lesson will consist of small groups. The

students will be doing centers. The centers will be as followed: Independent- the student will

have a worksheet in which they will work on at there desk area. This worksheet will be about the

story. The worksheet will have letter sounds that match with pictures. The next area is a

vocabulary area. In this area student will go over words that are from the story. The students will

be required to rainbow write their vocabulary words. The last station will be where the students

work with the teacher. For this station there will be two groups for this activity. One group will

be with the general education teacher and the other group will work with the special education

teacher. The special education teacher will work with students who are struggling in ELA. The

general education teacher will work with the rest. The activity will be to retell the story with a

beginning, middle, and ending. The special education teacher will reread the story to the group

and then ask them what happens in the story. For the activity the group will work together. The

worksheet will consist of a cut and paste. The students will be required to cut and paste the

pictures in the correct setting of the story.

Assessment: The assessment will be in the area where student show if they can retell a story

correctly with the beginning, middle, and ending, the assessment will be the student correctly

placing the right events in the appropriate story are.

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Knackendoffel, Ann, et al. Collaborating, Consulting and Working in Teams for Students with

Special Needs. Available from: Yuzu Reader, (8th Edition). Pearson Education (US),


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http://www.tcpdf.orgAssignment 1


View the Reading Rockets website section on Assessment and Evaluation.


Select two of the resources available that you consider particularly helpful. Briefly explain these assessments, how they could be used, and who you might use them with. Your paper should be two pages minimum.


The two I pick is RTI and Reading: Response to Intervention in a Nutshell

For both experienced and non-experienced, compare your answers with the text’s suggestions. Is your experience similar to the text? Are they different? Explain using APA format (a title page, in-text citations and evidence from the text, and a reference page). You can find more guidance on using APA format in the  APA Folder. All assignments that are not in APA format will be subjected to point deductions.


Attention Required! | Cloudflare. (2021). Reading Rocket.  https://www.readingrockets.org/reading-topics/assessment-and-evaluation

Assignment 2 Effective Communication and Collaboration Project Part 1 (Step 1)

For the first part of this project, outline a brief, one-day co-teaching plan involving a classroom teacher and a special education teacher in an educational setting and grade level of your choice. Describe learners in the classroom, the lesson that will be taught, and each educator’s role in the classroom in detail.

Note: For both experienced and non-experienced, compare your answers to the text’s suggestions. Is your experience similar to the text? Are they different? Explain using APA format (consisting of a title page, in-text citations and evidence from the text, and a reference page). You can find more guidance on using APA format in the  APA Folder. All assignments that are not in APA format will be subjected to point deductions.

Please look at the attached example

Book Reference:

Knackendoffel, Ann, et al. Collaborating, Consulting and Working in Teams for Students with Special Needs. Available from: Yuzu Reader, (8th Edition). Pearson Education (US), 2017.e


Effective Communication and Collaboration Project Part 1 (Step 2)

Design a bulletin board or poster for the teacher’s lounge/workroom or office or hallway that celebrates co-educator interactions using effective communication skills, or design one to celebrate diversity that illustrates some ways in which this is done. Please make sure you use visuals and text in your bulletin board or poster for your design.

If using information from a source: Note: For both experienced and non-experienced, compare your answers to the text’s suggestions. Is your experience similar to the text? Are they different? Explain using APA format (consisting of a title page, in-text citations and evidence from the text, and a reference page). You can find more guidance on using APA format in the  APA Folder. All assignments that are not in APA format will be subjected to point deductions.

Please look at the attachment for reference

Effective communication and collaboration involve the clear and efficient exchange of ideas, information, and feedback among individuals or groups with a common goal. It requires active listening, clarity of expression, mutual respect, openness to diverse perspectives, and a willingness to compromise and work together towards a shared objective. Effective communication and collaboration are essential in a wide range of personal, professional, and social contexts and can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and innovation. Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for success in many areas of life and require several key elements to function properly. These elements include active listening, clarity of expression, mutual respect, openness to diverse perspectives, and a willingness to work together towards a shared goal. When these elements are present, communication and collaboration can result in increased productivity, creativity, and innovation.

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