For each of the following short essay responses, make sure that you have a clear thesis statement – that you are arguing something.
1) What does “Romantic” mean? When was the Romantic period? Write about values and characteristics of the Romantic Age. Please include monarchs, historic events, social problems, and anything else of importance. (33 pts.)
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“ What does “Romantic” mean? When was the Romantic period? Write about values and characteristics of the Romantic Age ”
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2) Discuss, at length and with specific examples, one work that exemplifies Romantic values. (33 pts.)
Chose something written by Samuel Tayler Coleridge.
3) Discuss the idea of nature in works we’ve read. Specifically discuss 3 works we’ve read. (33 pts.)
Examples to choose from *
It is a Beautous Evening, Calm and Free
I wondered Lonely as a Cloud
Composed Upon a Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 all 3 written by William Wordsworth.
William Wordsworth (183-5); Lyrical Ballads (185-196); Sonnets on pages 231, 232, & 271; Percy Bysshe Shelley (467-9); “To Wordsworth” (469), “Ozymandias” (476), “Sonnet: England in 1819” (477)