Engineering Applied Exercise Runge-Kutta|My homework helper

Posted: February 19th, 2023

*You must show sufficient detail to support your work to  earn credit for your calculations. This can be hand-written work, typed  calculations, or excel formulas. To avoid round-off error, retain  at least six decimal places in all of your calculations.  Complete  all trigonometric calculations in radians.

or more insight on where this approximation method formulas come from (and why they work the way they do!) Check out this link.

With this background, here’s your assignment:











*You must show sufficient detail to support your work to earn credit for your calculations. This can be hand-written work, typed calculations, or excel formulas. To avoid round-off error, retain at least six decimal places in all of your calculations. Complete all trigonometric calculations in radians.


· Assume





· Use the Runge-Kutta method illustrated above to estimate the solution of the differential equation at time at time


· Use your calculated values to fill in this table:

0 0.0 0.02 0 0.007499 0.0007498 0.014994 0.0207498




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