Posted: February 25th, 2023
About 2 pages (typed, double spaced). Please write in complete sentences and proofread your submission for spelling and grammar.
This reflection is designed to review and integrate concepts we have learned so far this semester.
Watch this: on miscommunication.
Take notes while you watch. Jot down important concepts, interesting ideas, connections to class material (watch this: and the slide has been attached below). Some of the connections will be obvious. In addition to these, try to look for other connections. Use the knowledge you have gained so far and apply that to the video to interpret and understand this video.
Identity and describe the connections between the concepts in the video and those discussed in this class (or in the class readings).
Describe how the video added to the knowledge you have already gained from this class. Even if you were already familiar with the concepts in the video, knowledge can increase via repetition or application of the concepts
Semantic Triangle
Reference (thoughts)
Symbol (word)
Referent (thing)
Semantic Triangle
Levels of Meaning
Dictionary definition
Personal meaning
Emotional connection
Language is Arbitrary
Words are not intrinsically connected to what they represent
Meanings of words can change over time
New words emerge
Language is Ambiguous
The meanings of words are not fixed or clear-cut
Language is Abstract
Language is not tangible
Words stand for people, ideas, objects, etc.
Time to Reflect: Reflection #4
This reflection is designed to serve as a review and integrate concepts we have learned so far this semester.
Watch this VIDEO on miscommunication.
Take notes while you watch. Jot down important concepts, interesting ideas, connections to class material, and so on. Some of the connections will be obvious. In addition to these, try to look for other connections. Use the knowledge you have gained so far and apply that to the video to interpret and understand this video.
Identity and describe the connections between the concepts in the video and those discussed in this class (or in the class readings).
Describe how the video added to the knowledge you have already gained from this class. Even if you were already familiar with the concepts in the video, knowledge can increase via repetition or application of the concepts
Write a 2-page reflection that summarizes the connections you made to class material and how the video added to your knowledge. Submit this as Reflection #4.
One concept highlighted in the video was the importance of active listening. Michael was not actively listening to the conversation, and he heard only what he wanted to hear. He interpreted the conversation in a way that was different from its original meaning, leading to his miscommunication with Stanley. This is similar to the concept of denotative and connotative meaning in communication. Denotative meaning refers to the dictionary definition of a word, while connotative meaning refers to the personal meaning attached to a word. In the video, Michael attached a connotative meaning to the words he heard and did not accurately interpret the conversation.
Place an order in 3 easy steps. Takes less than 5 mins.