Statistical Process Control Methods|Course hero helper

Posted: February 26th, 2023

To learn how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flowchart from Week 1 and identify variances within a process. You can find variances from the data identified in Week 1.

Complete the Week 2 Statistical Process Control Methods Worksheet uploaded below

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OPS/574 v1

Statistical Process Control Methods

OPS/574 v1

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Statistical Process Control Methods


Process Evaluation

Evaluate your process using 1 of the following:

· Use the lean concept to find ways to eliminate waste and improve the process

· SPC or Six Sigma to reduce defects or variances in the process


<Write your evaluation here>



Evaluation of Control Chart and Process Metrics

Complete the following in Excel:

· Calculate the defined process metrics including variation and process capability.

· Develop and display a control chart for the process.


Evaluate the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods. Determine whether the process could benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools. (Include all calculation and charts.)


<Write your evaluation here>



Executive Summary

Write a 700-word executive summary that includes the following:

· A summary of the Process Evaluation (using either Lean or SPC or Six Sigma)

· A summary of the Evaluation of Control Chart and Process metrics based on SPC methods

· A summary of your evaluation of whether the process would benefit from the use of Six Sigma, Lean, or other tools

· A description of the SPC project and recommendations for improvements


<Write your executive summary here>





Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.



Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a set of methods and techniques used to monitor and control a process to ensure that it is operating within established parameters and is capable of producing consistent results. SPC methods involve collecting and analyzing data on a regular basis to determine if a process is operating within specified limits, identifying and addressing any sources of variability, and making improvements as needed. Here are some common methods used in SPC:

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