HR managers forecasting |My homework helper

Posted: March 3rd, 2023

Creating a New Position


In this assignment you will apply your knowledge of operations and workforce planning (analysis, forecasting, and communication) to create a new position. HR managers are often asked to analyze the staffing levels within the organization to make data-driven hiring decisions. This workforce planning analysis enables you to target specific gaps, needs, and goals to create a detailed job description and compensation package to attract and recruit the most qualified candidate.


You are the HR manager for a chain of department stores and your CEO has tasked you with determining the need for a new marketing manager position in the online sales department. She has noticed declining sales and lower customer satisfaction ratings which have resulted in decreased motivation in the department. She has asked you to develop a job analysis and job requisition for the new position.

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Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Download the Week 9 Assignment Template [DOCX]. This template will guide you through creating a job analysis, a job requisition form, and a reflection on the importance of these operational processes. Refer back to this page as needed to review the scenario, instructions, and rubric as you complete the assignment template.


  • Use three (3) sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the libraryor review library guides.

    BUS310: Creating a New Position

    Complete this template based on the scenario and instructions in the Week 9 assignment: Creating a New Position. You are acting in the role of the Human Resources Manager. When you are finished, save your work and submit it via the link in your course.

    1. Job Analysis

    Your response in this section should be two paragraphs in length. (Note: a quality paragraph is typically 3-5 sentences.)

    Prepare a job analysis to determine the need for the new marketing manager position and the qualifications necessary to perform the job. Be sure to frame your response around the issues in the scenario and support your rationale with clear, detailed examples based on HR management principles.

    Use information from your textbook and other resources. The area will expand to accommodate the length of your response:










    2. Job Requisition Form

    A job requisition form is used by HR to request permission to fill a job and start the hiring process. The form summarizes the key components of the job including the duties, salary and benefits.

    Complete the sample job requisition form based on your job analysis and knowledge of HR management principles. Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

    The cells will expand to accommodate the length of your responses:

    Job Requisition Form

    HR manager making the request: Request submission date: Job posting (internal, external, or both):
    Requested position title: Proposed start date: Department/team:
    Supervisor of new position: Purpose of the role: Position duration (permanent or temporary):
    Position type (employee with full benefits, employee with partial benefits, contract worker): Position category (part-time or full-time): Position location (in-office, fully remote, or hybrid):
    Preferred education level, skills, and qualifications: Proposed starting salary range: Proposed benefits:
    Description of position duties:


    Do other positions need to be redefined with the addition of this new role? If so, describe: Other notes:




    3. Reflection

    Your response in this section should be two paragraphs in length. (Note: a quality paragraph is typically 3-5 sentences.)

    Reflect on the operational processes you used to develop the job analysis and job requisition. Include your thoughts on how this new position could improve motivation in the department and how these processes help HR managers attract and recruit the most qualified candidate. Be sure to include specific evidence to support your reflection.

    This area will expand to accommodate the length of your response:
















    [Use the space below to create your source list. Refer to the Source List page in the Strayer Writing Standards section of the Strayer Library for assistance with this page. A minimum of three sources are required for this assignment. Refer to the assignment instructions for details.]

    © 2022 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.


As the HR manager, conducting a job analysis is an essential step to determine the need for a new marketing manager position. This process involves identifying and analyzing the duties and responsibilities of the position, the necessary qualifications, and the competencies required to perform the job effectively. According to Breaugh (2017), job analysis is a fundamental HR function that helps organizations to identify gaps, set performance standards, and recruit and retain talented employees. By conducting a job analysis, I will be able to create a detailed job description, including specific duties, qualifications, and competencies required for the new marketing manager position.

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