Posted: March 3rd, 2023
Instructions | |
You have been working as a team leader on the oncology unit on the evening shift at Swift River Hospital for the last 5 years. Besides yourself, you have two LPNs and two nursing assistants assigned to your floor. You have 18-20 patients during the evening. Your normal staffing ratio is one LPN working with a nursing assistant for each 9-10 patients. You supervise the entire team and do all the duties that only an RN can do such as intravenous meds, doctor rounds, nursing care plans, patient teaching and evaluation of patient care.
This afternoon when you reported for duty you had a LPN, Erin, assigned to your team who normally works on Labor and Delivery. During report you asked her if she was comfortable administering oncology medications and monitoring blood transfusions. Erin indicated that she was nervous but would come to you with any questions. Don't use plagiarized sources. Get Your Custom Essay on
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It has been a very busy evening with new admissions and two high acuity patients. You start a blood transfusions on Mr. Smith before you go to dinner and tell Erin to keep a close eye on him because he has a history of a severe reaction to a blood transfusion. Although Mr Smith was given medication to control blood reactions, you want him monitored closely. You come back from dinner and find a commotion in Mr. Smith’s room. He had experienced a anaphylactic reaction to his blood transfusion and the Erin did not realize that she should have stopped the transfusion and report it to another RN, who was covering for you in your absence. Erin was waiting until you came back from dinner to report the reaction to you. It was not until another LPN entered the room and noticed the reaction then stopped the transfusion. You had assumed Erin knew that the unit protocol calls for the immediate secession of blood transfusions when the first sign of a reaction appear. Erin said that she was unaware that she should have stopped the transfusion or reported it immediately. What are the legal ramifications of this case? Should Mr Smith die from this, would the legal ramifications be different than if he recovered from the incident? Who among the staff is responsible for this error in judgement? Discuss what you should do, if anything. What responsibility and liability exist for the supervisor that assigned Erin to your unit, Erin and yourself? Use scholarly resources to support your decision. This is a research-based case study. Thus, this should be formatted like a research paper. Responses should be detailed and address all components of each question in a paragraph format opposed to entering answers under each question. Responses should be articulated at the college level and include complete sentences, proper punctuation, and proper grammar using APA guidelines. If you are unsure of proper APA guidelines, visit: Responses must be typed and submitted as a Word document. ***See the attached document for the entire assignment*** |
Nursing Leadership 203
Case Study
(Literature Review)
The literature review is assigned to introduce the nursing student to evidence-based research, using online
databases to search scholarly references, and writing scholarly work in APA format.
Student Learning Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following student-learning outcome:
● SLO 12: Integrate respect for differences in beliefs and values of others as a critical component of
nursing practice.
● SLO 21: Describe workforce strategies that support efficient and effective quality patient care and
promote improved work environment for nurses.
This assignment is worth 100 points and 10% of your entire grade.
Criteria for Format
1. Paper (excluding title page, appraisal of literature chart, and reference page) at least 2-3 pages.
2. The paper should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
3. Times New Roman 12 point.
4. Minimum of 3 scholarly references must be used. References must be current within the past 5 years or
5. Title, body, and reference page must follow APA guidelines.
6. Citations and references must be used.
7. As per the APA manual (7th edition) rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation apply.
8. Paper will be graded based on the quality of information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence
Appraisal of Literature Chart Article Database Study Type Peer Reviewed
Y/N Level of Evidence
Grading Rubric
Analysis 20 Points
Addresses all
17 Points
Partially addressed all
16 Points
Does not address all
14 Points
Does not address the
and areas of the questions and questions or does not topic with thoughtfulness
Reflection assignment rationale when include rationale when or thoroughness
thoroughly and prompted. prompted.
(Take an
position and
develop your
writing around
that stance)
20 Points
your writing
in a logical
sequence as
through the
20 points
The excellent
introduction to
your topic. The
rationale is well-
presented and
The conclusion is
and fully
17 points
Acceptable introduction
to your topic.
The conclusion is
16 points
Basic understanding
and/or inappropriate
emphasis on your
Limited use of original
explanation and/or
emphasis on an area.
14 points
Little or very general
introduction to your
topic. Little to no original
inappropriate emphasis
on an area.
Little to no original
inappropriate emphasis
on an area.
20 Points
facts and
to back
up your
20 points
Three scholarly
articles were
utilized. Review
of literature
complete and
easy to follow.
Appraisal of
literature chart
17 points
Three scholarly articles
were utilized. Review
of literature incomplete
or minor issues with flow
of material.
Appraisal of literature
chart present.
16 points
Three scholarly
articles were utilized.
Review of literature
incomplete or minor
issues with the flow of
Appraisal of literature
chart present
14 points
Three scholarly articles
not utilized. Review of
literature incomplete and
moderate issues with the
flow of material.
Appraisal of literature
chart present.
20 Points
APA format 20 points 17 points 16 points 14 points
(Follow 6th Title page, body, Minor errors Moderate errors with Severe errors with APA
Edition or and reference
page follow APA with APA
APA guidelines per 6th
7th edition of APA
guidelines per 6th or 7th
edition APA manual.
7th Edition guidelines per 6th guidelines per 6th or 7th manual. Minor errors
20 Points or 7th edition of with citations and or
(Pay close
to your
20 points
Writing is
professional, at a
collegiate level, and
includes complete
Rules of grammar,
word usage and
punctuation were
appropriately used.
No spelling errors.
17 points
Writing is
professional, at
a collegiate
level, and
includes some
rules of
16 points
Moderate rules of
grammar, word
usage, and
punctuation or
spelling errors.
Writing is
professional but
includes incomplete
sentences or slang
14 points
Severe issues with
rules of grammar,
word usage,
punctuation, or
spelling error.
Writing is
usage, and
20 Points
As a team leader and RN, it is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your team are competent and confident in performing their duties. In this situation, it is concerning that Erin was not aware of the unit protocol for blood transfusion reactions. As the leader, it is important to address this issue and take steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Here are some steps you could take: Address the immediate patient needs: The safety of the patient is the top priority, and in this situation, it is essential to address Mr. Smith’s anaphylactic reaction to the blood transfusion. Provide the necessary care and medical attention, and ensure that the patient’s condition is stabilized. Debrief with Erin: After addressing the patient’s immediate needs, meet with Erin to discuss what happened and why. Be sure to listen to her perspective and try to understand her thought process during the incident. Determine if there were any knowledge gaps or misunderstandings that contributed to the incident.
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