Healthcare professionals working in clinical practice, education, research, and administration are often witness to unethical behaviors.|My homework helper

Posted: March 4th, 2023

1) Healthcare professionals working in clinical practice, education, research, and administration are often witness to unethical behaviors. For your initial discussion post, develop a hypothetical conflict scenario involving a nurse working in an advanced role (nurse executive, nurse educator, or family nurse practitioner). The created scenario must place the nurse in a situation involving conflict specific to unethical behaviors.

2) To complete this discussion, review the hypothetical scenarios posted by your peers. Choose two peer case scenarios and discuss how the nurse involved in the scenario might approach the conflict described. Use evidence from your readings or from a credible source to support your answer. Be sure to discuss potential ethical concerns, possible barriers to resolution, and any professional or organizational constraints that may be involved.



Hypothetical Scenario:
Samantha is a nurse executive at a hospital. She has noticed that one of her colleagues, a physician, has been overprescribing opioid pain medication to patients. Samantha is concerned about the potential harm to patients and the ethical implications of such actions. However, she is hesitant to confront the physician as he is well-respected in the hospital and has significant influence over patient care decisions. Samantha must decide how to address this situation while balancing her ethical responsibilities with her professional obligations to the hospital and her colleague.

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