The philosophical orientation that reflects my worldview is constructivism.|Legit essays

Posted: March 5th, 2023

Respond to a classmate who holds a different philosophical orientation than you and share an insight.


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The philosophical orientation that reflects my worldview is constructivism.|Legit essays
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Respond to a classmate who holds a different philosophical orientation than you and share an insight.




Hi Dr. Holzner,

My interest topic is Understanding African American Women’s Failure In Business: From A Novice Perspective. A brief description of the social phenomenon. According to Robinson et al., (2007), there is a higher failure rate among women entrepreneurs than other ethnic groups. Even though African American women-owned firms are growing, there is still much need for qualitative research data on this topic (Robinson et al., 2007). In addition, statistics show that only 4 percent of black American businesses survive the startup stage, even though 20 percent of black Americans start businesses. (Baboolall et al., 2020 ).

The philosophical orientation that reflects my worldview is constructivism. The ontological assumption is that there are multiple realities and truths to this social phenomenon (Buckholder et al., 2020).  In addition, the epistemological assumption of constructivism is that knowledge is constructed through the interactions of the individuals who experience the problem; even though the interactions may have their differences, the realities are all equal (Buckholder et al., 2020). As it relates to my topic, black business owners and other entrepreneurs from marginalized groups have barriers to financing, start-up capital, and sustainability (Baboolall et al., 2020).

According to Babbie, E., (2017), epistemology helps us to find out the best approach for our research. Based on this guidance, my assumptions lean toward using a qualitative approach. By using this approach in my research, I would be able to collect data through interviews and questionnaires.


Robinson, J., Blockson, L., & Robinson, S. (2007). Exploring Stratification and Entrepreneurship: African American Women Entrepreneurs Redefine Success in Growth Ventures. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 613(1), 131–154. Links to an external site.

Baboolall, D., Cook, K., Noel, N., Stewart, S., & Yancy, N. (2020). Building supportive ecosystems for Black-owned US businesses.  McKinsey & Company.

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H.  (Eds.). (2020).  Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.




A brief description of my topic of research interest:

My research interest includes intergenerational parents as support groups are needed to bridge the gap between three to four generations. Corporal punishment no longer works as a disciplined practice. The next generation tries to implement less harsh parenting practices but encounters a conflict with the previous generations’ parenting. These changes show up as inconsistent strategies and often switch from permissive to passive behaviors, sending mixed messages and behavior issues at home, school, and the community.

Philosophical Orientation that reflects my worldview:

The ontology raises the question of whether there is a truth to the idea that there is a need to bridge the gap between generations. According to Burkholder et al., 2020, ontology means the underlying question of whether the topic is objective. The issue is factual, but I want to know why the gap exists. The epistemology asks questions using the constructivism paradigm. According to Burkholder et al., 2020, relativism and constructivism understand world views through individuals’ interactions with shared meanings and truths. The interpretation may result in finding several reasons for the gap in parenting between generations. To find out the possible answers to what causes the disconnect of parenting practices between ages.

These assumptions lend themselves to the qualitative research approach. According to Burkholder et al., 2020, relativism and constructivism demonstrate personal worldviews, so one truth to one person may not have the same meaning to another. The answer lies in the relationship between myself and my subjects. Using qualitative, interpretive, and action research will provide more information on whether there is a gap between generations and whether support groups are needed for multiple generations to bridge the gap between them.


Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H.  (Eds.). (2020).  Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



Your philosophical orientation towards constructivism is a useful framework for understanding the multiple realities and truths of this social phenomenon. This approach recognizes that knowledge is constructed through the interactions of individuals who experience the problem and emphasizes the importance of considering diverse perspectives in understanding the issue. Given your philosophical orientation and research questions, a qualitative approach seems appropriate. Qualitative research can provide a rich, in-depth understanding of the experiences and perspectives of African American women entrepreneurs, particularly regarding the barriers they face in financing, start-up capital, and sustainability. Using interviews and questionnaires as data collection methods can help to capture the unique perspectives and experiences of individuals and enable you to develop a nuanced understanding of this complex social issue.

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