Healthcare providers often utilize Gordon’s functional health patterns to organize and measure a patient’s health|My essay solution

Posted: March 8th, 2023

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Healthcare providers often utilize Gordon’s functional health patterns to organize and measure a patient’s health. Eleven distinct types of functional health are analyzed in the model. In this article, we will use Gordon’s functional health patterns to analyze the differences and similarities between the growth and development of two toddlers of various ages. To be more precise, we will compare and contrast the two toddlers’ growth and development using each of the 11 functional health patterns. A 1-year-old and a 3-year-old will be our comparison toddlers (Dosman et al., 2022). The 3-year-old has greater self-assurance in their abilities and is beginning to acquire more complicated social and cognitive capabilities. The 1-year-old is just learning to walk and explore the world around them.

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Healthcare providers often utilize Gordon’s functional health patterns to organize and measure a patient’s health|My essay solution
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Health Perception-Health Management Pattern

A person’s attitudes and actions toward their health and well-being are said to fall into a pattern known as health perception-health management. Caregivers have a significant impact on this pattern for toddlers. Parents or guardians of both children are responsible for ensuring they get the necessary care, including vaccines, well-balanced meals, and frequent checkups. On the other hand, a child of three is more likely to question the need for medical visits and medication (Dosman et al., 2022). The 1-year-old will not yet be able to appreciate their significance and may push back against them.

Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern

A person’s eating habits and metabolic processes make up their “nutritional-metabolic pattern.” Both infants and toddlers need to eat foods from each food group to promote healthy growth and development. The 3-year-old may have moved on to solid meals, while the 1-year-old may still be nursing or using formula. Also, the 3-year-old may have more particular eating preferences and avoid some meals. This aversion to trying new meals is less common in the one-year-old, who may be more open to trying new foods because of it (Crotty et al., 2023).

Elimination Pattern

The elimination pattern is bowel and bladder function. Both children should have some bladder and bowel control. The 1-year-old may use diapers or pull-ups, while the 3-year-old may be toilet trained. Both toddlers may have mishaps. The 3-year-old may need restroom reminders, while the 1-year-old needs more diaper changes (Dosman et al., 2022).

Activity-Exercise Pattern

Physical activity and exercise are called the activity-exercise pattern. Both toddlers need frequent exercise for optimal growth. The 1-year-old may merely crawl or take a few steps. The 3-year-old may run, leap, and climb. Youngsters may choose sports or dancing lessons (Champeaux et al., 2022).

Sleep-Rest Pattern

Sleep-rest patterns are a person’s sleep habits. Both toddlers need enough sleep to grow. However, their sleep schedules may vary. The 3-year-old may no longer sleep, while the 1-year-old may still need numerous naps. The 3-year-old may also oppose bedtime and early rising (Crotty et al., 2023).


Crotty, J. E., Martin-Herz, S. P., & Scharf, R. J. (2023). Cognitive development. Pediatrics in Review, 44(2), 58–67.

Dosman, C. F., Gallagher, S. M., LaBerge, P., Whalen, S., Koscielnuk, D., Plaisance, M., Dufour, L., & Andrews, D. (2022). Updated evidence-based developmental attainments for children: First six years. Pediatrics and Child Health, 27(5), 285–290.


Gordon’s functional health patterns can be utilized to compare and contrast the growth and development of two toddlers of different ages. The first functional health pattern is health perception-health management, which examines the patient’s perception of their health and the actions they take to maintain their health. A 1-year-old may be unaware of their health, while a 3-year-old may have a basic understanding of their health and may express their discomfort or sickness. According to a study by Chan et al. (2019), parents of toddlers frequently use medication to manage their children’s health, such as pain relievers, cough syrup, and vitamins.

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