T-Shirt Sales Campaign|My homework helper

Posted: March 8th, 2023

Math115 Project

Radomir Pavicevic, Anna Chalkia, Evangelia Nanou

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Part A


A1: Target Market


We decided that our Target Market will be students and faculty staff of the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT) in Greece. The number of the ACT community is approximately from 500 to 999 students and above 100 people of professors and faculty staff.


A2: Design the Shirt:

Two-sided black and white.

The front logo: Save the planet / The back logo: Be the change you want to see.


The T-shirt.


























A3: Marketing Plan:


We decided that we want to sell this kind of T-shirt with the specific topic (Climate Change) because it is a strongly important issue and a current social trend. It has a meaningful goal and it is a very recent problem especially in these years we are living in. We are going to sell this T-shirt in the campus of ACT three days a week, during the break 14:00pm – 16:00, for the Spring 1 semester. Moreover, the advertising techniques we are going to follow are posters all over the campus and digital promotion through the Students Government Association. The goal is to collect money and donate them in ecological and environmental charities to help save our planet from the plague of the climate change.

For instance:

Anna: Monday (2 hours)

Radomir: Wednesday (2 hours)

Evangelia: Friday (2 hours)

Furthermore, we will include 1 hour for each of us for distributing the poster one day a week. (Thursday)
















A4: Reachable Target Market:


Our reachable target market will be 250 people. So D=250. This number is being generated from the assumption that during the break many people pass in front of the cafeteria and follow SGA on Instagram. Also, we will be distributing the posters and because it is for a good cause, professors, faculty staff and students will be interested.


A5: Unit Cost:




We will order 125 shirts, and it is two sided with one pattern colour.





A6: Fixed Costs:

The poster.


















A7: Polling Plan:



Business Calculus – Math 115

Project: T-Shirt Sales Campaign

In this project, you will design and test the viability of a T-shirt design. The project will be done in five parts:

A. Design a T-shirt and create a marketing plan;

B. Take a poll to test the marketability of the shirt;

C. Use the results to determine the demand function for your T-shirt to obtain the revenue, cost and profit


D. Use the tools of the course to find a selling price that will maximize revenue and profit.

E. At the conclusion of your project, you will write a report and submit it to the instructor presenting all

your analysis and final results. This report must address all aspects of the project, thus there should be

write-up on parts A – D. The report will be submitted in MS word format, while all the mathematical

analysis should be done in MS Excel or a program of your choice.

Important Points:

• You will work in groups of three which will be formed within the first weeks of the semester.

• Everything you turn in must be typed. The only exception is the design of the shirt and your advertising

material, if any. These must be neatly drawn and colored.

• Make sure to include the name of group members, your section, and your instructor’s name on all work

submitted. • The MS word report as well as all other electronic files should be submitted through Moodle.

• In addition to the electronic Moodle submission, you should submit all your hand-produced

material and a printout of your final report in a two pocket folder. On the outside of the

folder write the names and relevant contact information (i.e. email, etc.) of all group members.

Deliverables and Deadlines:

Deliverables Dates

Part A See Moodle

Parts B & C See Moodle

Parts D & E See Moodle


Part A: Design, Marketing and Cost Estimates

A1: Target Market: You first must decide to whom you want to sell the T-shirts; this will be your TARGET

market. Examples include freshman at ACT; business majors; students who play varsity sports, etc. Your

written description must be specific. You will need to have a reasonably accurate estimate of how many people

are in your target market; this number does not need to be exact but it should come from a concrete,

identifiable source. You must settle on a single number that is an estimate of the size of the target market. If

you can’t find a source or a sensible way to estimate the size of your target market then you will have to find a

different target market.

A2: Design the Shirt: Design a T-shirt that will appeal to your target market. Prepare a careful drawing of

your shirt. It does not have to be drawn using computer tools but it must be neat. You will use your drawing

in your pre-marketing poll so the drawing of each side of your T-shirt must be at least 8.5″ by 11″. Write an

explanation in a paragraph or two about why your T-shirt will appeal to your target market, identifying

what makes your T-shirt special or unique. [Think about your sales pitch: why would consumers in your

target market purchase your T-shirt over competing T-shirts?] You also need to include the following specific

information about your shirt: (1) the (background) color of the T-shirt; (2) whether the T-shirt design will be

one-sided or two-sided; (3) a list of ALL colors used on the front of the T-shirt and (4) (if the shirt is two-

sided) a list of ALL colors used on the back of the T-shirt. Note that T-shirt designs and slogans should be in

good taste.

A3: Marketing Plan: In this section you will decide how to market and sell your shirt. You need to identify

where and when you will sell your shirt (be specific: on which days, how long on each day, and how many

days, weeks or months). Also indicate any advertising techniques you plan to use, such as flyers, posters,

online ads, etc. Include a sample of any advertisements.

Include an estimate of the total number of hours that members of your team will spend designing, marketing

and selling the T-shirt. This includes time spent creating advertising materials, passing out and posting flyers,

manning tables, etc. Explain carefully how you get your estimate. Each member of your team can contribute

up to eight hours of unpaid labor to marketing and selling the T-shirt. Thus a group of four is allowed a total

contribution of 32 hours of unpaid labor. Each additional hour that you spend should be added to your fixed

costs at the Greek minimum wage rate of 4.50 euro per hour.

A4: Reachable Target Market: Despite our best intentions, marketing plans do not reach every member in the

target market. You need to estimate the proportion of your target market that you will reach with your

marketing plan. This is called your REACHABLE target market, and is denoted Do.

To do this, think about how much advertisement you will do and how well it is likely to work. For example,

assume that a typical undergraduate student passes through the ACT cafeteria at least once a week between

10am and 2pm. If you have a table in the cafeteria two days a week for two hours between 10am and

2pm, perhaps one fifth of undergraduate students will see it. Whereas if you can distribute fliers to everyone in

your target market, you might reach 90% of your market.

Your reachable target market must be a single number (not a range) and you must include a short explanation

for how you got this number based on your marketing plan. Note that the size of your reachable target

market should be at least 100.


A5: Unit Cost: Refer to the pricing chart on Shirts ‘R’ Us Pricing Chart to determine the cost of making one

T-shirt. This is your unit cost. Note that the unit cost depends on how many shirts you order. You will get a

precise value for this number later in the project, but for now use half your reachable target market (i.e.

½Do) as your estimate. Make sure to indicate how you determined your unit cost based on the color of your

shirt, whether it is one-sided or two-sided and how many pattern colors you use.

For example, suppose your reachable target market is 350 and you plan to sell a two-sided green T-shirt with

two pattern colors (red & white) on the front and one pattern color (red) on the back. Since Do = 350, you will

order 175 shirts, so your costs are based on the 51-250 line. The shirt is green (i.e. colored) and two-sided

with a total of 3 pattern colors. Therefore each shirt will cost €5.75 + 3 × €0.40 = €6.95. This is your unit cost.

If Do = 750 and you create a one-sided white shirt with 4 pattern colors (green, yellow, black & red), your unit

cost would be €4.20 + 3 × €0.20 = €4.80.

A6: Fixed Costs: Give an estimate of the fixed costs associated with selling your product. This includes all

advertising costs such as labor, printed materials, radio ads, table rentals, permits, security, etc. It does not

include the cost of making the shirts but it does include the cost of hours spent marketing and selling the

T-shirt beyond your group’s quota (see part A3). If you plan to use printed advertising material (posters, fliers

or pamphlets) make sure to determine the actual cost of these items from a supplier such as the ACT

bookstore or other. Note that you CANNOT use your free ACT print quota to produce fliers and pamphlets.

You should have a single number estimate for your fixed costs. It is very unlikely that your fixed costs will

be zero.

A7: Polling Plan: Finally, you need to develop a plan for how you will poll your target market to find out how

people feel about your design. Based on your marketing plan (part A3), decide where and when (give dates

and times) you will conduct this poll. For example, if you plan to sell the shirts on Mondays and Thursdays

from 12-2pm, then you should take the poll on the same days of the week and in the same place where you

intend to sell your shirt. Note that you are only designing a plan at this stage, not conducting the actual poll.



  • Identify and engage with potential sponsors: We can identify potential sponsors that align with our cause and values. These sponsors can provide financial support, as well as help us with the promotion of the campaign. Promote the campaign on social media: We will use various social media platforms to promote the campaign, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We can create posts that highlight the importance of climate change and our efforts to make a difference. Campus events: We can organize events on campus to promote the campaign and raise awareness about climate change. These events can include talks by experts, documentary screenings, or workshops on sustainable living.

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