How the brain generally organizes and reorganizes information.|Legit essays

Posted: March 9th, 2023

When we consider the human brain, the average person has a brain that is similar in size to another human their age. Recent scientific evidence is showing that students and adults with autism have a brain that functions in a different manner. It can have sections that are larger or smaller depending on the individual. Brain research also shows that these variations in brain matter affects a person’s ability to interact with their world differently.

How the brain generally organizes and reorganizes information.

  • The connection between learning and brain development, including an analysis of how this affects your current or future professional setting.
  • A minimum of two areas of the brain, such as the cerebellum or the cerebral cortex, that are affected in individuals with ASD. Describe how these areas affect learning, social communication, non-verbal communication, imaginative thought and play, and forming relationships with family and friends for people with autism.
  • A minimum of two strategies to apply the latest research in neuroscience and brain development to working with students with autism.


  1. How the brain generally organizes and reorganizes information:

The brain is a complex organ responsible for processing, organizing, and reorganizing information in a continuous and dynamic manner. Different regions of the brain specialize in performing specific functions. For example, the prefrontal cortex is involved in decision-making, planning, and cognitive control, while the temporal lobe is responsible for processing auditory information and language comprehension.

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