In this module, you learned about interpretation andterminat | Homework Helper

Posted: September 20th, 2023

In this module, you learned about interpretation andterminat.
In this module, you learned about interpretation andtermination. Usually client statements can be interpreted in a varietyof ways. In this discussion, you will select two client statements andoffer your interpretation. You will explain the reasoning for yourinterpretation and the intention, or what you hope to accomplish throughthe interpretation. For the second part of your discussion post youwill share what you think is the most challenging part of terminatingthe counseling relationship with your client and how you will addressthat challenge.Read the client statements given below before starting the assignment.Client Statements:Client A:When I go to speak in front of a group, I totally panic. I freeze up andcan t think of anything to say. I feel like I m going to startblithering and be incoherent. It s crazy because I ve been doing publicspeaking for a long time, but it never seems to get any better. I justdon t seem to have any confidence or think I have anything worth saying.I think I ve always been this way. Even in grade school, I remember thekids teasing me because I blushed whenever I had to say anything inclass. I don t know why I was embarrassed then because my parents alwaysencouraged me to speak in public. In fact, they entered me in all thesecontests for public speaking and coached me so that I would be good,and they really wanted me to win. So they did a lot to help me with thisproblem (Hill, 2009).Client B: Ihad a really bad blowup with my boyfriend. He was half an hour latecoming to get me for a dinner we had arranged with another couple. I wasjust furious by the time he got there. It seems like he s always late,and I feel like he is just inconsiderate of me. So I got really angry athim when he came, and it ruined the evening. He was angry at me thewhole time. He pointed out that he had told me he might not get thereright on time. He kind of threatened that he might leave me if I keepbeing so silly about such things. I ended up apologizing to himprofusely because he was right that he had said he might be late. Idon t want to lose him because this is the best relationship I ve everhad. But I don t understand why I always feel so lousy after we ve beentogether (Hill, 2009).Client C: Iam nervous about meeting this woman tonight. I answered an ad in thepersonals because I really want to start dating, but I don t know ifthis is such a good idea. I mean, what kind of people advertise in thepersonals? She might be a real wacko. I have pretty high standards forwho I go out with, and I don t want to waste time if we don t get along.My past experiences have been pretty bad with dating. I go out and findsomeone I like, but then they never want to go out with me again (Hill,2009).Client D: Ijust got back from visiting my family for Thanksgiving, and once again, Ifelt inadequate. My older brother was there, and he talked the wholetime about how wonderful he is doing in his new position in a law firm.He entertained the family over dinner with all the cases he is workingon. I just felt like I couldn t get a word in edgewise and that nobodywas interested in what I was doing. It reminds me of my whole childhoodwhere I felt like I couldn t compete with him because he was always theolder, better brother (Hill, 2009).Tasks:In a minimum of 400 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:Part AReview the client statements provided above andselect two to interpret. Identify each statement you chose and providethe interpretation as you would share it with the client. You may wishto start with a reflection statement followed by the interpretation. Inyour answer, identify which two cases you selected by including the casename (e.g. Client A or Client B) preceding your interpretation.Articulate the intention of your interpretation and what you hope it will facilitate with the client.Part BArticulate what you believe will be the mostchallenging part of terminating with your client and how you willaddress that challenge.Support your rationale and analysis by usingat least two resources from professional literature in your response.Professional literature may include the University online libraryresources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, andwebsites created by professional organizations, agencies, orinstitutions (websites ending in .edu or .gov).
In this module, you learned about interpretation andterminat

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