Buy Answer Now 1869

Posted: December 15th, 2023

1) Write a Java program to find if a square matrix is symmetric.(a symmetric matrix is a square matrix that is equal to its transpose)
2) Write a Java program to do the following
a) Read two-dimensional array (3 x3)
b) Find the diagonal elements of the array
c) Find the sum of the diagonal elements
3) Write a Java program to do the following
a) Read the names of books, authors and book numbers of all books in a library.
b) Check whether the given book number is present in the array,
if it is not, print the name of the book and the author’s name.
Guidelines for Writing Assignment
1.Object Class and Driver Class required for all the programs
2.User – Defined Methods are required for all the programs
For Example:
a)Reading an array
b)Processing an array
c)Displaying an array
3.Screen shots for the program and output are required.
4.Write the output and analyze the output.

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