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Posted: December 15th, 2023

Topic: Narcan and needle exchange programs should not be funded by government money

Ethical Issues Debate: Week 5
Once you receive your topic and position, prepare to create a powerpoint that will be due in Week 5.
address the topic and viewpoint you were assigned.
You may not be personally in support or opposition of the topic, however it is your job to convince your peers of your position. Include evidence that supports the viewpoint.Include an introduction to the issue, your stance, the rationale for the stance, the ethical principals involved, theories and evidence supporting your position, and your proposed resolution. Review the rubric in this forum for complete grading criteria.
Your powerpoint should include both audio and visual components such a graphics or charts. You can choose to do a PowerPoint, yourself on video with a poster or visual aids, or anything that supports and convinces your peers of your stance.
Get creative! Be succinct but convincing. If you go over the time limit, you will only be graded on the first 5 minutes.
You may create the powerpoint using any tool of your choice
NURS_510_DE – Ethical Issues Debate ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsWeek 5 Video Overall Presentationview longer description20 to >16.4 ptsAccomplished (80-100%)Presentation is well organized and approximately 4-5 minutes in length. Audio is clear and reasonably paced. Visual component compliments audio component. Discussion reflects an atmosphere of mutual respect.16.4 to >15 ptsEmerging (60-79%)Presentation is fairly organized, but there are several areas of improvement. Presentation is less than 4-5 minutes in length and some areas are not addressed. Audio needs some improvements. Visual component needs work. Discussion reflects an atmosphere of mutual respect.15 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactory (0-59%)Presentation is unorganized and lacks structure. Presentation is extremely limited. Audio is absent or needs significant improvements. Visual component is absent or severely lacking./ 20 ptsWeek 5 Video: Ethical Issues, Concern,

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