Posted: December 15th, 2023
Given one 2D integer array a1, and a valid column number j, construct another array a2 that is identical to the given 2-D array but with column j deleted.
Enter size of 2D array: (row x column)3 3Enter array elements:1 2 34 5 67 8 9Enter a valid column number: 1a2 =1 34 67 9Pseudocode:
You are going to need two inner for loops to deal with the columns. First you’d want to copy the elements in a row upto the column j-1, and the second for loop would copy the elements from column j 1 to the end of that row.
Your for loop might look something like this:
for loop to go through rows 0 to row_size-1 { for loop to go through col 0 to j-1 { … } for loop to go through col j 1 to column_size-1 { // Because we are deleting a column, the index of the rest of the columns // needs to be 1 less, i.e., arr2[i][k-1], where i is the outer loop control variable // for the rows and k is the inner loop control variable for the columns … }}Task2:
Write a program that takes one 2D char array from user, creates a new array that stores the horizontal mirror-transformation of the input array, and prints it out.
Enter size of 2D array: (row x column)3 3Enter array elements:a b cd e fg h iNew array: (horizontal mirror transformed)c b af e di h gTask3:
Write a program that takes a 2D integer array as input and an integer that is a row number (row x). Print the sum of the elements in row x of your 2D array.
Enter size of 2D array: (row x column)2 2Enter array elements: 1 2 3 4Enter the row to find the sum of elements in that row: 0Sum of the elements of row number 0 is : 3
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