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Posted: December 15th, 2023

Please tell me something about the layers of culture (values, norms, artifacts) in the Public Integrity Section (PIN) in the department of justice. Max 300 words and note your citation.
The explanation of the layers of culture that you might be used:
This is the level of culture closest to the surface. Artifacts are things you can see, touch, smell. Ping pong tables, happy hours, and free lunches. It’s also the office layout, the logo rebranding you just did, and your company holiday party. This is typically what we think of when it comes to company culture.
One level deeper is your espoused values and beliefs. These are the things you think you believe and say you believe. It’s the mission statement you wrote together as a company, the code of conduct that’s in your employee handbook, or the six core company values your CEO talks about during your all-staff meeting.

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