Buy Answer Now 2428

Posted: December 15th, 2023

The purpose of the paper is to respond to the applicable question presented below, using the biblical evidence discussed in the course in making your response. Using internet websites or google will ensure a poor grade, as the information needed to write a great paper will have been provided/discussed in class. The use of applicable Scripture to support your response and proper grammar in writing will both play a significant role in the grade received.
Students must choose ONE (1) of the following paper topics upon which to write.
Option 1 Topic: Does the New Testament Provide Evidence that Jesus is the Messiah?In class we discuss several pieces of biblical evidence that Jesus is the promised Messiah: genealogical evidence, prophetic evidence (Old Testament Messianic promises fulfilled in Jesus in the New Testament), and physical evidence (that was seen and/or experienced by others, such as miracles). Your paper must include 1) reasons from Scripture that Jesus is presented as the Messiah in the New Testament, including genealogical, prophetic, and physical evidence, and 2) your personal reflections on several pieces of the evidence and Scriptures cited that are particularly significant to you.
Option 2 Topic: How Did the Gospel Spread from Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth?In Acts 1:8, Jesus told the apostles that the Spirit would empower them to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Your paper must include (1) specific people and circumstances from the Book of Acts that God utilized to spread the gospel message in Jerusalem and beyond and the ways He used them, and (2) your personal reflections on several of the ways God moved in and through those people/circumstances.
The response paper should be five (5) pages in content length (not counting the cover page), double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, one-inch margin around the page. Simply place Scripture references in parenthesis after referring to a passage. Whether you refer to a passage in summary or in quotation, you must indicate the Scripture passage from which it came.

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