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Posted: December 15th, 2023

2 page writing.follow the instructions to finish the project. The project about e-sports.
The Assignment
In teams of two to four people, your job is to allocate investment dollars in a hypothetical fund dedicated to investing in companies directly or tangentially involved in the business of e-sports. You will have $5,000,000 fictional dollars to work with that you will need to spread across a minimum of five and a maximum of eight different companies that will come to represent your fund’s portfolio. You can choose to allocate the dollar amounts as you see fit but the total cannot exceed the $5,000,000 cap. Though we will dedicate more time to learning about the ins and outs of venture investing, typically venture investors look for a minimum 10X returns, which means if they invest $1, they expect to make a minimum of $10 for every $1 invested. As a result, your portfolio should primarily consist of companies capable (in your estimation) of reaching that multiple. For example, a fund that consists largely of long-standing publicly-traded companies like an Intel or Logitech probably don’t fit the mold of what this assignment calls for. In terms of where to look to find these companies, I would suggest AngelList and Crunchbase as good starting points while also looking to the portfolio companies of sports VC funds like Will Ventures, Courtside Ventures, 76 Ventures, etc.

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