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Posted: December 15th, 2023

Create your initial post on the DQ 4 Discussion Board in response to the following questions:
Consider the cost/benefit analysis of genetic tests of important pharmacogenetic variants prior to placing a patient on a new medication. Those placed in charge of patient treatment as clinicians (who are primarily tasked with patient health) or as health care system administrators (who are tasked with keeping the system financially solvent) often have competing mandates. How would you try to craft a general policy for pharmacogenetic testing?
Return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.
Create your initial post in response to the following:
Provide a link to a news piece related to drug approval.

Return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.

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Create your initial post in response to the following:
Provide one reason why it is important to run clinical studies globally.
Return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.

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