Institution/Values|Essay pro

Posted: January 29th, 2023

The purpose of this assignment is to have you review an adopted municipal budget and answer questions related to it.You will find the adopted 2022-2023 fiscal year budget for the Town of Mooresville, North Carolina. Based on this budget, submit these questions, along with your answers, by the end of the day on Sunday, January 29:

  1. On page 25 of the budget, you will find the fiscal year summary. If you look at the TOTAL column for the 2022-2023 BUDGET under “Total Revenues – All Funds” and “Total Expenditures – All Funds,” you will see that they are both $165,618,889.  Why?
  2. Which fund has the largest amount of money budgeted in the budget?
  3. What is the largest funding source for the General Fund?
  4. What is the ad valorem tax?
  5. Is a vehicle that is licensed (gets a license plate) from year to year considered personal property or real property?
  6. What is the town’s second largest General Fund source of revenue?
  7. The budget is based on a a $.58 tax rate per $100 valuation of real property. In other words, a property owner pays 58 cents ($.58) for every 100 dollars that their property is assessed a value by the county. Assuming that you have a house and land (a house is treated as real property) that are valued at $300,000.00. How much would the property owner pay in property taxes to the town?
  8. What are Powell Bill funds used for?
  9. There is one very important statement in the “Basis of Budgeting” section on page 13 of the budget. It reads: “Expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at the departmental level for all annually budgeted funds.” Rewrite this in your own words that explains what this means (you only need one sentence and you do not have to use the exact (or all) the words that appear in this sentence).
  10. The Town of Mooresville has a population of over 51,900 people yet its budget is 365 pages long. Is this the first time you have ever looked at city or county budget? What are your initial impressions of how a city’s budget is adopted?TOWN OF MOORESVILLE FY23 APPROVED

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    Town of Mooresville 413 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115


    Table of Contents

    Introduction 2 Budget Message 2 Budget Ordinance 6 Presiding Officials 11 Organizational Chart 12

    Budget Summary 13 Basis of Budgeting 13 Budget Development Process 15 Internal Financial Policies & Procedures 17 Capital Project Budget Ordinances 23 Fund Summary 25

    General Operating Fund 27 General Fund Summary 28 General Fund Revenues 42 General Fund Expenditures 68

    General Administration 68 Board of Commissioners 69 Manager’s Office 73 Communications & Marketing 80 Legal 85 Finance 89 Human Resources 96 Risk Management 102 Technology & Innovation 108 Planning and Community Development 118 Facility Maintenance 125 Non-Department 131

    Public Safety 134 Police 135 Fire 143

    Public Services 155 Public Services Administration 156 Engineering 160 Streets 164 Sanitation 169

    Fleet Maintenance 174 Recreation and Cultural Services 179

    Park Services 180 Recreation Administration 188 Athletic Services 195 Charles Mack Citizen Center & Performing Arts Center 201 Winnie Hooper Center 208 War Memorial Center 213 Selma Burke Center 219 Special Facilities 225 Golf Operations 229 Library 236

    General Capital Investments Fund 242 General Capital Investments Fund Summary 243 General Capital Investments Fund Revenues 248 General Capital Investments Fund Expenditures 250

    Fleet Replacement Fund 265 Fleet Replacement Fund Summary 265 Fleet Replacement Fund Revenues 266 Fleet Replacement Fund Expenditures 267

    Utility Fund 268 Utility Fund Summary 269 Utility Fund Revenues 277 Utility Fund Expenditures 281

    Water Sewer Administration 281 Meter Reading 287 Line Maintenance 291 Pump Maintenance 296 Water Treatment 300 Wastewater Treatment 308

    Stormwater Fund 314 Stormwater Fund Summary 315 Stormwater Revenues 318 Stormwater Expenditures 320

    Community Development Fund 326 Community Development Fund Summary 327 Community Development Fund Revenues 328 Community Development Fund Expenditures 329

    Powell Bill Fund 331 Powell Bill Fund Summary 332 Powell Bill Fund Revenues 335 Powell Bill Fund Expenditures 337

    American Rescue Plan Act Fund 339 American Rescue Plan Act Summary 339 American Rescue Plan Act Revenues 340 American Rescue Plan Act Expenditures 341

    Reserve Funds 342 Capital Reserve Fund Sanitation – Summary 343

    Capital Reserve Fund Sanitation – Revenues 345 Capital Reserve Fund Sanitation – Expenditures 346

    Capital Reserve Fund General – Summary 348 Capital Reserve Fund General – Revenues 349 Capital Reserve Fund General – Expenditures 350

    Capital Reserve Fund Utilities – Summary 351 Capital Reserve Fund Utilities – Revenues 352 Capital Reserve Fund Utilities – Expenditures 354

    355 356 360

    Appendix Glossary Fleet Replacement Standard Operating Procedures



    May 16, 2022

    The Honorable Miles Atkins, Mayor and Board of Commissioners Town of Mooresville 413 N. Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115

    Dear Mayor and Board of Commissioners,


    In accordance with the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, I am pleased to present the Recommended Operating Budget for fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023. Upon your selection of a public hearing date, a notice of submission of this budget to the Board of Commissioners will be published, in accordance with G.S. § 159-12. A copy of Mooresville’s Recommended Budget has been placed on-file with the Town Clerk and posted on the Town website for public inspection. I want to thank the Mayor and Commissioners for providing staff with clear direction and guidance during this year’s budget process.

    A municipal budget serves as a reflection of the community’s priorities and values. The Town budget continues to significantly invest in the identified capital needs and core services provided by Town staff and expected by our citizens. This budget represents the culmination of many hours of analysis, deliberation, and preparation by Town department heads and administrative staff, as well as many hours of review by this Board in Budget Workshops. Thank you in advance for the additional time that you will spend reviewing and evaluating this recommended budget.


    This budget proposal uses $10 million in ARP A (American Rescue Plan Act) funding towards public safety salaries and benefits. Public safety was strained by Covid-19, and this use is in keeping with the spirit and the law of the Act. Furthermore, the replacement of revenue formerly reserved for salaries and benefits made it possible to fund public safety vehicles, park expansions, pickle ball courts, to upgrade the security of the Town’s computer system, and other community­ facing initiatives.

    FY 2023 represents the fifteenth consecutive year of a recommended tax rate at fifty-eight cents per $100 of assessed valuation. The many amenities of the Town continue to consistently attract residents and businesses, providing significant growth in assessed value and allowing additional improvements and services without an increase in the rate.



    The recommended General Fund budget for FY 2023 totals $79,024,937 for Town personnel, professional services, and operations. The demands of our growing community dictate that we have appropriate staffing levels to deliver the customer service our residents deserve and expect. As such, there are twenty-two new full-time positions funded in FY 2023.

    The recommended General Capital Investment Fund budget for FY 2023 totals $17,029,825. This fund provides financing for capital outlay, street resurfacing, and annual debt payments.

    The recommended Utility Fund budget for FY 2023 totals $29,762,443. The utility budget continues the path established several years ago to have sufficient revenue to maintain and repair the existing system and establish a reserve to pay for capital projects without the need for additional borrowing.

    The recommended Stormwater Fund budget totals $3,295,013. This budget includes two new full­ time positions, a Stormwater Equipment Operator to operate an additional street sweeper and a Stormwater Program Manager under the current rate structure.

    Finally, the Powell Bill Fund budget totals $1,373,391. The moderate increase in the Powell Bill Fund is due to the enhancement of the paving and resurfacing program.

    The Town’s budget for all operating funds equal $130,485,609. The total budget ordinance including operating capital reserves, and project ordinance transfers total $164,889,389.

    The effort to create a budget started last December, as departments began identifying and prioritizing capital needs for the development of a five-year capital improvement plan (CIP). Departments prepared their individual budget requests to maintain high quality customer service, and to achieve the Town’s strategic objectives. The FY 2023 Recommended Budget will continue to fund large capital projects in project budget ordinances, as this process allows projects to overlap fiscal years without the need to re-appropriate funds each fiscal year.


An institution is a social organization or structure that has a specific purpose or function, such as a government, religious organization, or educational institution. Values are beliefs or principles that guide an individual or group’s actions and decisions.

They often shape the culture and behavior of an institution. Examples of values that an institution might hold include honesty, integrity, accountability, and fairness.

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