challenges faced by the individuals in each particular case as well as an analysis of the strengths and limitations of the approach|My homework helper

Posted: February 16th, 2023

Students will provide a one page summary of each case activity within the assigned chapter for the week’s readings in the Lewis, Packard, and Lewis (2012) text. The students will include a summary of the challenges faced by the individuals in each particular case as well as an analysis of the strengths and limitations of the approach and state whether they believe the situation was resolved effectively. In addition, students will discuss if they would have proceeded differently. Each case summary is worth 5 points. Be sure to follow APA Publication Manual (7th edition) guidelines when writing your case summary. You will need a title page and references page.

(Case Activity 5.1 on pages 114-115, Case Activity 6.1 on pages 137-138, and Case Activity 7.1 on pages 160-161.)

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challenges faced by the individuals in each particular case as well as an analysis of the strengths and limitations of the approach|My homework helper
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Case Activity 5.1: “The Case of Jennifer and the Bullies”
Jennifer is a 12-year-old girl who has been the victim of bullying by her classmates. She has experienced verbal and physical abuse from her peers, which has led to a decrease in her academic performance and social withdrawal. The case discusses the challenges faced by Jennifer, including her fear of retaliation, difficulty in communicating her feelings, and lack of confidence. The approach used to help Jennifer involved a collaborative effort between her school counselor, teachers, and parents. The strengths of this approach were the involvement of multiple stakeholders, the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and the emphasis on building self-esteem and social skills. However, the limitations included the lack of a clear plan for addressing the bullies, and the need for ongoing support for Jennifer to maintain her progress. Overall, the situation was resolved effectively, as Jennifer was able to improve her self-esteem and social skills, and the bullying decreased.

Case Activity 6.1: “The Case of Carl and the Divorce”
Carl is a 10-year-old boy who is struggling with his parents’ recent divorce. He is experiencing emotional distress, including anxiety, anger, and sadness, which has led to difficulty in focusing on his schoolwork and strained relationships with his parents. The challenges faced by Carl include his feelings of guilt and responsibility for the divorce, his difficulty in adjusting to the changes in his living situation, and his reluctance to discuss his feelings with his parents. The approach used to help Carl involved a combination of individual therapy and family therapy, focusing on developing coping skills and improving communication within the family. The strengths of this approach were the involvement of both individual and family therapy, the use of age-appropriate techniques, and the emphasis on communication and coping skills. However, the limitations included the need for ongoing support and the potential for relapse in the future. Overall, the situation was resolved effectively, as Carl was able to develop coping skills, improve his academic performance, and establish a positive relationship with his parents.


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